Please be reminded that abstracts for the Inaugural International Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Congress close on the 3rd of July 2015. For those interested in submitting an abstract, please see the guidance below and website link...
Vulnerable Children Act Worker Safety Checks – information for health and disability NGOs
NGO Council Chair’s Update last week, attached is the Factsheet for NGOs about Worker Safety Checks, which came into effect today. Also a reminder that there are more detailed official guidelines online at...
UN experts voice concern over adverse impact of free trade and investment agreements on human rights
GENEVA 2 June 2015 - A number of free trade and investment agreements, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), are currently being negotiated. A group of UN experts* have issued the following statement...
NZMAT Newsletter – June 2015 – Issue 6
To read the Newsletter please see attached PDF.
NZ’s Māori Centre of Research Excellence 2016 – 2020
The vision for NPM 2016-2020 is: "Māori leading New Zealand into the future. Our research realises Māori aspirations for positive engagement in national life, enhances our excellence in Indigenous scholarship and provides solutions to major challenges facing humanity...
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists New Zealand Conference 2015 – Email 1
Key datesAbstracts Open – NowAbstracts Close off Date 14 June 2015 Registration open18 May 2015NZ Conference21-23 September 2015 Conference DinnerBook your tickets for the 2015 conference dinner, Tuesday 22 September at the award-winning Palate Restaurant. Tickets are...
New Safety Checking Regulations for Children’s Corkers
The Ministry of Health has asked the NGO Health & Disability Network to share the following information with our mailing list: Please see below an announcement from Sue Mackwell, National Children's Director, about the publication of the new safety checking...
ACEM – Bulletin 29 May 2015
For the latest ACEM's Bulletin please click here>>
Rakatahi – Haratua/May 2015
To read Rakatahi - Haratua/May 2015 please click here>>
Te Karere – Coverage of Impact of Student Loan Restrictions
To view Te Karere coverage Please click here>>
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