Ngā mihi nui ki te Whānau o Te ORA Our Hui-ā-Tau and Scientific Conference for 2018/2019 is nearly upon us. Two more sleeps to go! Thank you to our members who have already registered. We look forward to hosting you at our Conference. As a Te ORA Member (past and...
Te Ora Hui-ā-Tau & Scientific Conference 2019 – Programme
Hāpaitia te mana! - Recognising the finesse of a Māori Doctor The 2019 Hui-ā-Tau theme ‘Hāpaitia te mana’ is a celebration. The magnitude of skill, knowledge and determination that exists within our collective is immeasurable. It is time to recognise the finesse of a...
NOTICE: Te ORA Hui-a-Tau/Annual General Meeting 2019, 1:30pm, 25th January 2019
Date: 25 January 2019 Time: 1:30pm Venue: 1 Heriot Drive, Porirua The 2019 Te ORA Hui-ā-Tau & Scientific Conference is just around the corner. It will be the most important opportunity for our membership to discuss, debate and showcase our hard work. And of...
Te Tohu Whaioranga Rangahau – Travel Bursary included
Recipients of the Te Tohu Whaioranga Rangahau can receive up to $5,000 paid as an educational grant, with the aim of encouraging excellence in research. Te ORA and PHARMAC welcome applications for this award which seeks to recognise and acknowledge our Tauira Rata...
Te Tohu Whaioranga Hautūtanga – Nominations Open (travel bursaries included)
Te Tohu Whaioranga Hautūtanga Recipients of the Te Tohu Whaioranga Hautūtanga can receive up to $5,000 paid as an educational grant, with the aim of encouraging excellence in leadership. Te ORA and PHARMAC welcome nominations for this award which seeks to: recognise...
Te Ora Hui-ā-Tau & Scientific Conference 2019 – Medical Careers Expo – 24th January – Secondary School Tauira Registration Form
Te Ohu Rata o Aotearoa – Māori Medical Practitioners Association (Te ORA) is a professional body representing Māori medical students and doctors working as clinicians, researchers and teachers. With approximately 340 active members, Te ORA represents the majority of...
The Role E nga kohengihengi o te motu, e nga koangiangi o te wa, koutou e harihari nei i nga puanani o tua, tena koutou. Tena kia miria mai nga tongi o ratou ma kua matangaro atu ki Wharau-rangi. Mai Te Waewae-Kapiti-o-Tara-raua-ko-Rangitane, whakawhiti atu ki...
Māori Health Review Issue 76
Tēnā koutou katoa Nau mai, haere mai ki a Māori Health Review. We aim to bring you top Māori and indigenous health research from Aotearoa and internationally. Ngā mihi nui ki Manatu Hauora Māori for sponsoring this review, which comes to you every two months. Ko te...
Invitation to the Disability Action Plan workshops
Invitation to the Disability Action Plan workshops The Office for Disability Issues and the Disabled Peoples’ Organisations Coalition are holding workshops to gather your ideas about what should be in the new Disability Action Plan 2019‒2022. The Disability Action...
ACC’s Cost of Treatment Regulations
As you will be aware, this year’s changes to ACC’s Cost of Treatment Regulations include several rates increases that impact on general practice – as part of wider health initiatives. We’ve just received notification that Government has given final approval for this...
Nau mai, haere mai ki te whānau o Te ORA
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