And then finally we had a panel including George L and Peter J.
George L brings our attention to
- the Ethical Framework for Resource Allocation in Times of Scarcity (late 2020) and the final framework document Ethics and Equity: Resource Allocation and COVID-19 (Feb 2021) – both of which came from the national Ethics Advisory Committee.
- They includes four ethical principles and five Tiriti principles which policy analysts should consider when responding to pandemics.
- George claims that the CROWN has not lived up to power-sharing and partnership principles. – the Crown failed to live up to the principles including actions on vaccine allocation and the shift to a Traffic Light System for population- wide control of COVID-19.
Peter Jansen in Australia has been involved in the excellent NSW COVID response.
- They have excellent Indigenous vaccination rates
- they have been both responsive and adaptable eg cultural safety training for contact tracers with indigenous and migrant communities, setting up pop-up testing clinics and pop-up vaccination centres, together with a mass vaccination centre in the largest city.
- They are now preparing for a rapid beginning to the 5-12 vaccination programme.
- The effort in NSW state is based around strong ‘public health-led’ response that started with treating the sick, to vaccination, and now to care in the community.
- And all the while partnering with Aboriginal organisations.