2nd June To whom it may concern, Racism in medical school is longstanding, the pathology of which, remains inherent in the structure and environment of Pākeha institutions. It is a...
A Message From The Tumuaki, Auckland Medical School
Colonisation has its roots in racism and white supremacy. Any society that has a history of colonisation will have racism and white supremacy embedded into its social values. This is a sad reality but I tend to see it as a Pākehā reality. The more Pākehā feel...
Te Poka Pū Webinar 3 – Research In Surgery
Tēnā tātou! Anei tā tātou wānanga ipurangi tuatoru. Ko tōna ngako ko te rangahau hauora Māori. Nau mai, piki mai, kake mai! 7pm, Wednesday, 25th May.Introducing our third Webinar with two of our most esteemed Hauora Māori researchers and clinicians Assoc. Prof....
ePanui – Vacancy – Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (TToH)
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (TToH) is seeking a General Practitioner to work with us in our successful and innovative health and social services organisation. TToH is a Ngāti Kahungunu mandated, Kaupapa Māori organisation providing services to our community along...
Te ORA Webinar – Te Oranga
Register now!! Quick check whānau to remind you to register for the upcoming Te ORA Hui ā-Tau sessions, the in-person hui and the Te ORA Awards Dinner sponsored by MAS. With COVID restrictions easing across the country, this provides us the opportunity to come...
ePanui – Te Oranga
Te ORA Webinar - Te Oranga Quick check whānau to remind you to register for the upcoming Te ORA Hui ā-Tau sessions, the in-person hui and the Te ORA Awards Dinner sponsored by MAS. With COVID restrictions easing across the country, this provides us the opportunity to...
Institutional barriers to care for kaimahi hauora Māori
A team of multidisciplinary Pākeha and Māori researchers from the departments of Psychological Medicine and Te Kupenga Hauora Māori at the University of Auckland are currently recruiting healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, midwives, and allied health...
Capacity Assessment Research – University of Auckland
My name is Nikki Mooney and I am a Doctor of Clinical Psychology student at the University of Auckland. As part of my doctoral programme, I am carrying out a research project, supervised by Dr Clare McCann, Professor Lynette Tippett and Dr Gary Cheung (University of...
Survey for Māori doctors about experiences of racism, discrimination, bullying, and harassment
We’re inviting you to take part in a national survey for Māori medical students and Māori doctors (with a current annual practising certificate) on experiences of racism, discrimination, bullying and harassment in workplace and training environments....
WAI 2499 – Update 4
And then finally we had a panel including George L and Peter J. George L brings our attention to the Ethical Framework for Resource Allocation in Times of Scarcity (late 2020) and the final framework document Ethics and Equity: Resource Allocation...
Nau mai, haere mai ki te whānau o Te ORA
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