Date(s) - 30/04/2022 - 01/05/2022
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
E ōku rangatira, ngā rata poka mo tātou te iwi Māori. Nau mai ki Pōneke. Esteemed colleagues, Māori Surgeons for the people, come to Wellington.
April / May date TBC – A supportive wānanga for Māori Doctors by Māori Doctors.
If you are a Māori Registrar and seeking to gain SET selection this year into any of the RACS surgical subspecialties, you are invited to come to a weekend wānanga aimed at
helping Māori candidates perform well in SET interviews.
This wānanga will focus on:
• Whakawhanaungatanga.
• Preparation for SET Interviews.
• Frameworks to help answer questions.
• Simulated Interview practice.
• Tips for preparation leading up to interviews.
• Tips for interview day.
• Exposure to interview type questions.
• Tikanga Māori.
We are SET Surgical Sub Specialty Trainees who have been successful at the SET interviews. Through our experiences, we know how prepare well for the interviews to
maximise being rewarded with selection. We adhere to tikanga Māori and value the importance of the Tuakana – Teina relationship. We are therefore passionate to help you
with SET selection this year and have developed this weekend Wānanga to provide you with some assistance on your haerenga. Over the last 2 years 8/10 Māori attendees to our
wānanga were selected onto SET and the overwhelming feedback from attendees was that this wānanga is a must-attend event to improve your interview skills for SET selection.
Venue: The Eru Pōmare Centre, Wellington Hospital Date: Sat April 30th & Sun May 1st 2022
Time: Sat 9am è 5pm, Sat night kai and whakangahau, & Sun 9am è 12pm.
Cost: Free: Attendees to sort own accommodation & transport. Please note that this wānanga has been endorsed by the NZOA so you should be successful from approaching your DHB for claiming
back travel and accommodation costs
Kaiwhakahaere: Dr Lincoln Nicholls.
RSVP please to Lincoln’s email: