The Medical Council is continuing its eportfolio rollout with final year medical students in Auckland and Otago medical schools now able to keep track of their learning online. The eportfolio known as ePort supports students to record their learning in an online system that they will continue to use once they start their internship and begin medical practice.
Chair of the Council’s education committee, Professor John Nacey, said, ‘ePort is a huge leap forward towards integration of expected learning outcomes between final year medicine and the medical workforce’. Professor Nacey says, the implementation of ePort for interns in November 2014 has resulted in an improved learning experience and has helped to ensure consistency and quality of training, improving the way interns receive feedback on their performance, with the focus on ongoing improvement over the course of the 2 year programme.
‘The rollout will provide a smooth transition from medical student to doctor, and is a seamless way for doctors to continue their lifelong journey of learning,’ said Professor Nacey. This will contribute to an ongoing high quality of care for patients.’ Familiarisation with the Medical Council, New Zealand Curriculum Framework and Professional Development Plan (PDP) via the e-port is now available for final year medical students at both Auckland and Otago.
Both medical schools are working towards smoothing the transition from medical student’s final year to their first post graduate year. Both medical schools are also working to instil habits of lifelong learning and self-awareness. Accessing the ePort is an important stage in this process. The ePort allows Year 6 students to recognise learning outcomes as they achieve them throughout their final year at medical school and to log them in the ePort. These skills can then be consolidated during doctor’s first and second years in the workforce.
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