The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

ANZCA is one of the largest specialist medical colleges in Australia and New Zealand, and the region’s foremost authority on anaesthesia, pain medicine and perioperative medicine.
We’re responsible for training, assessing, and setting standards for all specialist anaesthetists and specialist pain medicine physicians wishing to practice in Australia and New Zealand.
As a proudly bi-national college, we offer our training, research, and lifelong learning programs on both sides of the Tasman, and work closely with the governments, healthcare services, and communities in each country on a wide range of issues. We also play a significant role in advancing global health.
ANZCA Indigenous Health Committee – Sponsorship program to attend the Aotearoa NZ Anaesthesia ASM 2021
The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) is this year offers up to three sponsorship packages for Māori senior medical students and pre-vocational doctors based in Aotearoa to attend the Aotearoa NZ Anaesthesia Annual Scientific Meeting. The ASM sponsorship program is designed to foster interest in training in anaesthesia through providing a stimulating learning opportunity and facilitating communication between potential trainees and college trainees and fellows.
Each package includes full registration to the ASM from 27-30 October 2021, accommodation and reimbursement of travel costs.
For more information about this year’s virtual ASM please visit the conference website. Further information on the sponsorship packages and the application can be found here. Applications close 31 August, 2021
Training for ANZCA
Before doctors can apply for the ANZCA anaesthesia training program, they must have completed two years of general hospital experience after graduation from medical school.
This can include up to 12 months in anaesthesia or intensive care but the aim is to ensure a grounding in general medicine and in disciplines other than anaesthesia.
Our trainees complete at least five years of training and are supervised by a network of qualified anaesthetists at accredited hospitals throughout Australia and New Zealand. The program is accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).
As of 31 December 2019 more than 1600 qualified medical practitioners are participating in our anaesthesia training program across Australia (1320), New Zealand (265).
For more information please click here>>
ANZCA Fellowship
ANZCA is the professional membership organisation for more than 6000 specialist anaesthetists and 460 specialist pain medicine physicians who’ve met our rigorous training or assessment requirements to become a fellow. Our fellows are among the most highly-regarded specialist physicians in the world.
Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FANZCA) or the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FFPMANZCA) is only available to doctors who’ve met our rigorous training requirements, and actively participate in life-long learning through our educational activities and programs.
In this section, you’ll find everything you need to know about the requirements and benefits of fellowship, including opportunities to get involved in the college and contribute to your specialty.
For more information please click here>>
ANZCA Indigenous Health Committee – Sponsorship program to attend the 2021 ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting
The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) offers up to three sponsorship packages for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori senior medical students and pre-vocational doctors to attend the college’s Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).
The ASM sponsorship program is designed to foster interest in training in anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain medicine through providing a stimulating learning opportunity and facilitating communication between potential trainees and college trainees and fellows.
Each package includes full registration to this year’s virtual ASM; attendance at selected ASM workshops; and an option to attend the Faculty of Pain Medicine Virtual Symposium.
For more information about this year’s virtual ASM please visit the conference website.
Further information on the sponsorship packages and the application can be found here. Applications close 8 March, 2021
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