by Te Aniwa Reedy | 7 Dec, 2021 | Articles, COVID-19, E-Panui
And then finally we had a panel including George L and Peter J. George L brings our attention to the Ethical Framework for Resource Allocation in Times of Scarcity (late 2020) and the final framework document Ethics and Equity: Resource Allocation...
by Te Aniwa Reedy | 7 Dec, 2021 | COVID-19, E-Panui
Elana C today presented the following the first failure is that the public health response has focussed on mainstream, middle class New Zealand and has failed to consider and deliver to the specific needs of Māori. A clear example of this is the way COVID-19...
by Te Aniwa Reedy | 7 Dec, 2021 | Articles, E-Panui
Tēnā koutou katoa tākuta Māori mā Your colleagues of Te Urutā, and others of our allies in the fight against COVID 19 have been actively fighting the cause in the Waitangi Tribunal. Yesterday a Hearing on the Ministry of Health’s COVID 19 response began....