Te ORA Call for Abstracts/Presenters 2024

Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā!

The Te ORA Board are looking forward to hosting our
Hui ā-Tau & Scientific Conference 2024 in Rotorua, 26 – 29 September 2024.

We are also pleased to announce Dr Danny De Lore and Dr Tawa Hunter have agreed to be our co-convenors who will run the academic programme.


Kia mate ururoa, kei mate wheke.
May we be guided by courage, not fear.

As always, Te ORA Hui-ā-Tau & Scientific Conference 2024 will provide an opportunity for us all to engage and connect. We want to celebrate our successes – we also want to consider where we can do better.

Tā Mason Durie challenged us to imagine and create a health entity that we own, govern, and develop independently. One that embraces a holistic view of health and is rooted in the principles of ‘by Māori, for Māori.’ For the next 40 years and beyond, our ultimate desire is to uphold our mana motuhake. We want to move into an era where Māori have tino rangatiratanga in health, guided by our own cultural values and expertise. As we convene, let us challenge ourselves to envisage what Te ORA will look like going forward.

We invite abstracts and presentations from our membership that highlight how we have championed mana motuhake in our individual and collective spaces, with a view to open up the discussion about how Te ORA may also be like te mangō ururoa… kei mate wheke!

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations will be approximately 20 minutes, with adequate time for discussion. Exact times will be discussed with successful applicants. Standard audio-visual equipment will be available: Laptop, data projector with sound, DVD, lectern and microphone. OHP and slide projectors will not be provided.

Selection Criteria

All abstracts will be assessed according to the following criteria: • Relevance to conference theme.

  • Importance of presentation topic.
  • Relevance of content to the audience and to Te ORA.
  • Abstracts submitted by Māori doctors and students will be prioritised.
  • Presentations may be in te reo Pākeha or te reo Māori.

Abstract Guidelines

The Call for Abstracts deadline has been extended to 5:00pm, Friday 30th August, and will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee against set criteria. Authors will be notified of their abstract results by Monday 26 August.

Submit your abstract via email to: admin@teora.maori.nz with “Te ORA abstract submission” in the subject line. (Please note that this will be the email address that authors will be notified of results).

  • An abstract must be no longer than 350 words (excluding title and biography) and can be submitted in Te Reo Māori and/or Te Reo Pākehā.
  • A biography of the authors (and affiliations) must also be included (<100 words), with the name(s) corresponding/presenting author(s) bolded.
  • The abstract is to be submitted in a Word or PDF document and should include text only – i.e., no diagrams, tables, or graphics.
  • References can be included, but are not necessary.
  • Students submitting abstracts are encouraged to include a senior clinician or academic supervisor.
  • The Co-Convenors will contact authors, if required, to clarify the nature of the intended presentations.

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