E rau rangatira mā, tēnā koutou katoa.

Kia mate ururoa, kei mate wheke

Te ORA is pleased to announce that registrations for Huiā-Tau ‘24 are open! Nau mai, hāere mai ki Te Arawa e!

Our theme this year is “Kia mate ururoa, kei mate wheke – May we be guided by courage, not fear”. This year has been a challenging one for many, in many ways. Let’s all take time to hear about these stories of courage, whether through advocacy, research, teaching or clinical decision making.

Being courageous has many meanings, for some it involves putting their name to a project that they know will put them in the spotlight in their workplace, for some it may be initiating change in the face of resistance to that very change, for some it may simply be presenting at Hui ā-Tau ’24 – nau mai, nau mai koutou katoa.

Please follow the registration link below and follow prompts. There is the option of paying by credit card or by requesting an invoice. This year there are tiered registration fees, the details are within the link. We ask that any whanau and tamariki that are coming are registered for catering and capacity numbers. Ngā mihi.

For those who require this, below is a brief overview of the Hui, formal programme to follow in the coming weeks.

Te Hōtaka/Program

Thursday 26 September 2024;
Tangatarua Marae, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology

– Registrations
– Te Rā Tūhura, Medical Colleges Career Expo Day

For medical students and pre-vocational junior doctors who want to know more about different Colleges and Specialist Training Programs.
Doctors are welcome to represent their College and talk to future potential trainees.

Friday 27 September 2024;
Tangatarua Marae, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology

– Powhiri
– Registrations
– Annual General Meeting
– Wānanga Minamina; he aha te anamata o Te ORA?
Details to follow. But wānanga is our space as an organisation to come together to discuss current focus and kaupapa for Te ORA.

Saturday 28 September 2024;
Rydges Hotel, Tyron St, Rotorua

– Registrations
– Scientific Conference 9am – 4:30pm
– Te ORA Awards Dinner – note this will be held at Te Puia, located close proximity to Rydges Hotel

Sunday 29 September 2024;
Rydges Hotel, Tyron St, Rotorua

– Scientific Conference/Wānanga 9am – 1pm
– Whakakapi i te kaupapa/Closing address followed by lunch

Nau mai! Register Here

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