Te Ngākau Ora
Te Ngākau Ora: background and purpose
Te Ngākau Ora was formed by Te ORA in 1996 as an informal collegial support programme. The programme supports medical practitioners in a personal and professional sense. The programme recognises the value of collegial support provided by senior practitioners’ who are experts in their specialist areas and who are culturally competent. It is about collegial support in which Māori principles of tautoko, awhi and aroha for others is given expression.
What can Te Ngākau Ora do for you as a Māori medical practitioner or Māori medical student?
Te Ngākau Ora offers confidential collegial support to Te ORA members when they are undergoing an experience that may impact detrimentally on their personal life or performance at work. Some issues that members of Te ORA may access the programme for include but are not limited relationship breakdown, poor health or work related stress.
If you want to access Te Ngākau Ora, in the first instance, please contact teaniwa.reedy@teora.maori.nz. You will be referred in confidence to the Kaihautū to discuss access to support.
All matters are treated in full confidence.

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