Te ORA Membership Services
Nau mai, haere mai ki te whanau o Te ORA. Welcome to the Te ORA Whanau. It is our pleasure to present to you our growing Membership Services. We hope that you will take advantage of these services as they become available from our partners.
He Paparahi Karakia
Kia ora e te Whanau o Te ORA,
E ngā rau ringa whakaora tangata, whakaora reo, tēnā koutou.
Tēnā koutou i tono mai ki tēnei rauemi hei whakawhanake i tō reo me tō āheinga ki te tuku karakia.
This booklet is meant as a baseline tool providing you with karakia that you can call upon when needed. These karakia in our Te ORA resource have been recommended by a number of our senior Māori
doctors. The karakia are simple and some have been written specifically for use in this book.
There are of course many other karakia including those drawn from local knowledge and/or particular faiths. Do not confuse those tikanga being practiced by local experts with what this book is about. Know who your local kaumātua and mātanga are and use them as much as you can. But when time doesn’t permit and you sense a need – then we encourage you to feel OK to use a karakia for an occasion where it may be appropriate.
Karakia hold a special place in te ao Māori and we encourage you to commit these karakia to memory and of course, pronounce them correctly and deliver them with a sincere and humble heart.
To download ‘He Paparahi Karakia’ please <<Click Here>>
Spec Savers Optometrists
Kia ora e te Whanau o Te ORA,
E tata tapihi, e roa whakatū, Procrastination is the thief of time!
Introducing the first of our expanding Membership Services.
Maintaining perfect eyesight is such an important part of being able to work well and live your life to the full, but did you know that a fully comprehensive eye examination is an important health check too?
That’s why we have teamed up with Specsavers Optometrists to give you & your Whānau discounts throughout the year!
To view & redeem these offers, please register at the link below for a voucher to present in-store:
If you already have great eyesight, don’t worry it’s also valid for your Whānau – so feel free to “share with your family members” via the above URL.
We will also be letting you know when there are further benefits, specials, and deals offered by Spec Savers.
Want to become a member?
Get in touch, or register now