Ngā Tohu Manaaki
o Te ORA
Ngā Tohu Manaaki o Te ORA/Te ORA Awards
Te ORA has a host of Awards which are designed to support Māori Medical Practitioners along their Medical Careers. Please click on the corresponding link to find out more information including how to nominate or apply for Awards. Awards are presented at the Annual Te ORA Hui ā-Tau & Scientific Conference.
Te ORA Awards for Medical Practitioners
Maarire Goodall Award, acknowledges and honours long service and unrecognised commitment to Māori health by a Māori health worker.
Ngākau Ora Award, established in honour of the late Dr Paratene Ngata recognizes those who have given a high level of service, mentorship and support to Māori doctors and medical students.
Iwi Health Award, established in honour of the late Dr Tony Ruakere and acknowledges a Maori Medical Practitioner who has dedicated their services to Iwi Health.
Te ORA Tauira Awards
Te Oranga Award
Ngā Rangatira Matahīapo Hauroa Award, awarded to a Māori doctor who has been identified by the Te Oranga members as someone who has contributed to their learning. This recipient will portray characteristics of general excellence, role modelling, commitment to Hauora Māori and whakaaro Māori while also actively inspiring Māori medical students to reach their full potential.
Please click on the relative Award title that you are interested in.
- You must be a registered member of Te ORA.
- You must be able to attend Hui ā-Tau 2024 Saturday 28th September. (Te ORA covers cost to attend, just register)
- Nominations/Applications close 5pm, Wednesday 18th September.
- Please click on the titles in orange to fill in the submission forms.
Te ORA and Te Pātaka Whaioranga Pharmac Award
Te Tohu Whaioranga Hautanga, Te ORA and Te Pātaka Whaioranga Pharmac tauira award for Excellence in Leadership. This award is for Community Leadership excellence, where the tauira has demonstrated the most outstanding contribution and community leadership during the year.
Te Tohu Whaioranga Rangahau, Te ORA and Te Pātaka Whaioranga Pharmac tauira award for Excellence in Research. This award is for Excellence in research with a pharmaceuticals focus.

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