The Australasian College For Emergency Medicine (ACEM)

The role of an EM physician
ACEM is the not-for-profit organisation responsible for training emergency physicians and advancement of professional standards in emergency medicine in Australia and New Zealand. EM physicians have specialist skills in resuscitation and in the diagnosis and management of patients affected by an acute or urgent injury or illness. With a strong belief in evidence-based medicine and a wide range of procedural and technical skills, EM physicians provide care for patients of all ages and coordinate acute care within the health system.
Training for ACEM
The Emergency Medicine FACEM Training program equips emergency practitioners to become consultants in emergency medicine. The program is flexible, can be undertaken within five years, and provides trained supervisors, relevant assessments and robust examination.
The FACEM Training Program is a five year training program. It can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis. The training program includes structured training and education, work-place based assessments, research requirements and examinations.
For more information on the provisional training please click here>>
Certificate and Diploma Programs
ACEM Fellowship
As a Fellow of ACEM you:
- Officially become a recognised specialist in Emergency Medicine
- Have the support, collaboration and encouragement of the College throughout your Fellowship
- Are recognised for more senior roles in the ED
- Contribute to the advancement of Emergency Medicine in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
- Can use the post nominals FACEM
- Have exclusive access to ACEM digital resource hubs such as Best of Web EM Resources and eLearning, plus Corporate Traveller and the online-shopping Member Advantage Program.
Important to Note: your training in emergency medicine is not recognised as complete until it has been reviewed and approved by the College.
Useful / Related links
ACEM produces teaching and continuous professional development resources for its membership. These resources are regularly reviewed and more will be developed. Please click here>>
Aotearoa New Zealand: Manaaki Mana Strategy – please click here>>
Australia: Reconciliation Action Plan – please click here>>
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