And then finally we had a panel including George L and Peter J. George L brings our attention to the Ethical Framework for Resource Allocation in Times of Scarcity (late 2020) and the final framework document Ethics and Equity: Resource Allocation...

Te ORA docs, our board and staff and have worked on this ‘literacy-neutral Māori motif’ messaging around COVID-19. We all know that messages aimed at the mainstream don’t get through to everyone and that, although you and I have heard something 100 times, someone somewhere is hearing it for the first time.
Te Ngākau Ora – Support and Care
A reminder to our membership that during the current pandemic Level 4 lockdown, that you can access support through our Te Ngākau Ora collegial support programme.
Te ORA has private and confidential access to Senior Practitioners who can provide many different levels of support, and access to other services depending on your need.
To access support please click here>>
WAI 2499 – UPDATE 3
Elana C today presented the following the first failure is that the public health response has focussed on mainstream, middle class New Zealand and has failed to consider and deliver to the specific needs of Māori. A clear example of this is the way COVID-19...
WAI 2499 – Update 2
Anei anō ētahi kōrero The testimony to the Waitangi Tribunal would lead one to think that the Government was obsessed with NOT listening to Māori advice and continually claiming to be doing right by Māori despite the unfolding of evidence to the contrary....
Important vaccination messages for our Māori and Pasifika Hapū Māmā from the RANZCOG.
Important vaccination messages for our Māori and Pasifika Hapū Māmā from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
The importance of equity in vaccination
By Dr Maia Melbourne-Wilcox (FRNZCGP) and Professor Sue Crengle (FRNZCGP) Published 21 August 2021 The response of primary care in the coming weeks, will directly influence how severely our health system will be impacted by the current COVID-19 outbreak in Aotearoa....
Unvaccinated Māori and Pasifika must be prioritised to receive their first COVID-19 vaccination 
Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa Urutā says that due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, the Government must immediately prioritise Māori and Pasifika in the COVID-19 vaccination programme. “Aotearoa is staring in to the eye of a perfect storm and we are in a space where we need...
Media Release – Rāmere, 20 Hereturikōkā, 2021
Te Ohu Rata o Aotearoa, Māori Medical Practitioners Association (Te ORA) – Media Release The Kaihautū/Chairperson and Board of Te ORA, express faith in the direction that Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa Urutā are advocating for this phase of the response to COVID-19. All...
Straight Up with Dr Lily Fraser – Vaccinations
To view video with Dr Lily Fraser please click here
Day 17 – Moving to Alert Leve 2 – Dr Sarah Sciascia
Day 16 – Feeling Stressed Out – Professor David Tipene-Leach
Nau mai, haere mai ki te whānau o Te ORA
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