He Karere
Te ORA – Te Ohu Rata o Aotearoa (The Māori Medical Practitioners Association) provides Māori medical leadership to the health sector.
Keep up to date with important daily announcements.
Te ORA ePanui 2/08/16
To view the latests Te ORA ePanui click here. Date: Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Te ORA ePanui – 4/4/2016
To view the latest ePanui please click here>> Date: Friday, 8 April 2016
ePanui – May 2015
Here is the link to Te ORA's ePanui for May 2015. Please click here>> Date: Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Te ORA Hui a-Tau and Scientific Conference 2020
Announcing Te ORA Hui a-Tau & Scientific Conference in partnership with RNZCGP's Health Aotearoa 2020. Announcing Health Aotearoa 2020! You will recall that the WONCA Asia Pacific conference scheduled for April was postponed due to COVID-19.We are very pleased to...
Te ORA and the Health and Disability System Review
This report has much to commend it. The move to a national services procurement programme with a population health focus will do much to reduce fragmentation of services, and fewer DHBs with no appointed governers is likely to increase efficiency. But it has two...
Te Whatārangi – Wai2499 Update
Treaty of Waitangi The Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry (Wai 2575) began in November 2016. Wai 2499 was filed by Te Ohu Rata o Aotearoa2. The Wai 2499 claim concerns inequitable Māori health outcomes across the entire New Zealand health system, including...
Corporate Documents
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